Articles on: Developer API

Humanizer Proxy

Humanizer Proxy API

The Humanizer Proxy allows users to test different Humanizers without needing to change endpoints. The API accepts a JSON payload and processes the text using the specified Humanizer.

Swagger Testing Endpoint

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API Endpoint

POST /humanize

Processes text using the specified Humanizer.


Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Headers api-key:


{"humanizer": "undetectable",
 "text": "Your text which is at least 250 Chars long. Yes that is right, do not make it too short or it will not work. Make it nice and long like this."}


humanizer (string): Specifies the humanizer to use. This field is required.
text (string): The text to be humanized. Must be at least 250 characters long. This field is required.

Humanizer Parameter Options

Our Exsiting Model

Our New Model 🔥


The API cannot accept line breaks. Replace line breaks between paragraphs with \n\n

Possible Response Status Codes

200 OK: The request was processed successfully.
400 Bad Request: The request was invalid (e.g., missing required fields or text is too short/long).
401 Unauthorized: The API key is missing.
402 Payment Required: The user does not have enough credits / The API key is wrong.
500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server.

CURL Request Example


curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "API-Key: your-api-key" \
  -d '{
    "humanizer": "stealth",
    "text": "This is an example text which is at least 250 characters long to meet the requirement. It is only for testing purposes and should demonstrate how the Humanizer Proxy works with this API."

Updated on: 20/05/2024

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